Message (262)292-9600
Pride without hard work and achievement is merely conceit.
is a tough racket. It takes guts, hard work, courage and
perseverance. Yet for those who have what it takes, the rewards can
be great. The photo above is of me in my younger days, before I
decided to give up the easy life, for the rough and volatile calling
of a writer.
Welcome to my world. Please come in, stay a while, and look around. |
This is my writing, contact, and author page, directed at agents and publishers, as well as any following my writing might inspire. It is also where I offer services to those in need of professional writing content. I am a Inveterate blogger, and long time webmaster with other sites on other subjects; but this site concerns itself with writing, publishing, and the books and articles I have written.
I write with a relaxed flowing style, laced with humor where appropriate. I write quickly, and have no problems making reasonable deadlines, to be determined upon assignment. You will find me to be flexible and anxious to do the best I can for you. A truism of writers, even the cranky ones, is that writers write and communicate because we are social (if not always sociable) creatures, and want to be liked. I will do everything within my power to make you glad you hired me, and pleased with the article, essay, or blog with which you have entrusted me. I am proud of my writing, and along with my desire to please my clients is my personal pride in crafting a piece of writing as a matter of personal pride and achievement.
I blog and write commentary for several websites, and have some links on my Clips page. Please look them over and see how my style compares with your needs. Then contact me. I understand that it is a very personal thing to entrust another to speak for you, or your company or cause. Be reassured that I will write with the respect and attention to detail that you deserve, and your audience demands.
For those who enjoy a good read, I presently have three completed fiction novels, as well as a four volume fantasy series. I also have five works of fiction in various stages of completion, and a completed travel book on nuclear tourism. If you are an agent or a publisher who has journeyed here in response to a query, please see my BOOKS page for details. For that matter, I invite anyone who enjoys science fiction, fantasy, travel or mystery to give the sample chapters of my books a read.
If you wish to contact me, please look here.